miércoles, 4 de julio de 2018


Elephant Amaranta’s Fear

The elephant Amaranta was one of the biggest stars of the Great Worldwide Circus “The Whale.” With her enormous trunk she was able to juggle more spectacularly than had ever been seen in the circus tent. Also, the elephant Amaranta was happy and fun and everyone loved her very much in the circus.
She only had one problem: mice made her panic. But this, in reality, was a very small problem, because no mouse had ever been seen in the Great Worldwide Circus “The Whale.” But one day, a family of mice appeared there. They had escaped from a town in which a strange flautist rounded them all up and threw them out via the river. Once the flautist arrived, he emitted a magical sound, and every mouse that heard it lost all sense of reason.
– Lucky for us, we were sleeping when this happened. The only one that was awake was grandfather; and since he is deaf…nothing happened to him!
So that family of mice had to flee. And so, walking and walking, they had arrived at the circus.
– You can all stay here – said the ringmaster – but you have to be careful with the elephant Amaranta. She gets panicked around mice, so it will be best that she doesn’t see you.
But the Circus Worldwide “The Whale” was very small and the elephant Amaranta didn’t take long in discovering this family of mice.
– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! – she yelled afraid.
– Don’t you worry – assured the ringmaster – Surely she will become accustomed…
But Amaranta did not become accustomed and each time that she crossed one of the mice, she climbed atop the first thing she found.
1. The stool the ringmaster used in the lion spectacle.
2. The trapeze where Calixta, the trapeze artist monkey, left all the kids marveling at her pirouettes.
3. Including the tightrope, which Nicolasa, the giraffe aerialist, climbed.
Whichever site was good enough for her to be far from those tiny, speedy and bothersome animals that gave her so much fear. So, those who had to get used to the situation were the other members of the circus.
The animals, convinced that this absurd fear had to end, decided one day to search for a way to end it. The first to propose something was the clown Miguelín, always so ingenious…
– I have found in my suitcase full of joke supplies, a fake mouse…
– I don’t see how this will help us with Amaranta – groaned a grumpy lion.
– Very easy: we gift her the mouse, and when she sees that it is fake and realizes that you can wind it when you want, she will feel like she can control mice, and with that, her own fear.
No one was very convinced with this plan, but as they did not have another, they decided to give it a chance. So they hid the fake mouse in a box, wrapped it up in floral paper and gave it to Amaranta.
– A gift? For me? But it isn’t my birthday – exclaimed the elephant Amarantha happily when she saw the package.
But her smile disappeared when inside the package she saw the mouse.
– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh… – she screamed as she climbed a stool scared to death.
– Amaranta, it’s a fake mouse! It is nothing more than a toy. Touch it!
But the elephant didn’t want to know anything more about the gift. The plan had failed.
– We have to leave – exclaimed the mice. – At the end of the day, we are only a family of mice and Amaranta is the star of the circus. We can’t compete with her!
– Don’t say that! – exclaimed the upset Calixta, the monkey trapeze artist – if we cannot end her fear, we have to accustom ourselves to it.
– But, what happens with my stools? I can’t perform my show if every few minutes she is breaking them. – protested the ringmaster.
– Well, yes the problem with the stools…let us buy one of her size! – suggested Greta, the oldest lion of the circus.
– Great, one that can withstand her on all parts so she will be able to climb it, when she sees a mouse, and won’t break anything.
To the elephant Amaranta, they gave a new gift that she like much more than the anterior. She promised all her peers that she would not return to breaking their work tools and that she would try to control her attacks of fear.
What is certain is that Amaranta never was able to control her fear, but at least the Great Worldwide Circus “The Whale” never again was a disaster. And of course, the family of mice remained there always. Eventually, even they had a circus performance that became very very very famous.
But this, my friends, is another story…



Cuento de Pinocho en inglés
Once upon a time lived a wood carver named Geppetto. He made puppets from pieces of wood, and he called his favorite puppet Pinocchio.
- I would love to be a father to a real boy like Pinocchio- he wished.
That night, the blue fairy, who knew Geppetto was a good man, cost a magic spell over Pinocchio. The very next day, Gappetto awake and was very happy to find that Pinocchio could walk, sit and talk like a real boy. 
Geppetto wanted to send Pinocchio to school. He sold his only coat for a spelling book.
- Now you can go to school like a real boy -s aid Gappetto as we waved goodbye to Pinocchio.
On the way to school, Pinocchio stopped to wacth a puppet show in a town. 
- How would you like to join my puppet show? - asked the evil puppet master.
Pinocchio happily agreed. He was locked inside the evil puppet master’s caravan. He wished he was safe with Geppetto. The blue fairy suddenly appeared. She had heard Pinocchio’s wish and set him free. Pinocchio is happy to be free. 
- I’m going straight to school- he said.
But he met an evil fox who told him all about  a wonderful place called fun island. Pinocchio forgot all about school and gave the fox his spelling book in return for a ticket to Fun island.
- Where are you going, Pinocchio?- asked the b fairy.
- I’m on the way to school - lied Pinocchio. 
Pinocchio‘s nose grew very, very long. He wished he hadn’t told a lie. The fairy called a bird to peck of his long nose because  Pinocchio was very sorry. Pinocchio promised never to be naughty ever again and went straight to school.
At school, Pinocchio told his friend all about fun island. His friend wanted to go with him. Pinocchio and his hurriedly climbed aboard a ship that was going to Fun Island. On the island they didn’t know that little boys were turned into donkeys and used for very hard work. 
Pinocchio cried and wished he hadn’t come the island. He also wished didn’t look like a silly donkey. The blue fairy had heard his wish and with a wave of her magic wand his donkey ears and tail disappeared. Pinocchio sad on the shore, sadly looking out to the sea. He wondered if he would ever see Geppetto again.
Suddenly, he saw Geppetto who had sailed out to the sea in search of Pinocchio. Geppetto didn’t see the huge whale behind him. The whale swallowed Geppetto and his boat. Pinocchio knew he had to save Geppetto. He jumped into the water and swam with all his might. As he got closer, the whale open  his mouth and Pinocchio swam right in. Deep inside the whale’s belly, Pinocchio and Geppetto hugged each other, happy to be together again.
- We must find a way out- said Geppetto - we will make a fire from the wood of my boat. 
The smoke made the whale sneeze. They shot out of the whale’s mouth and back into the sea. Pinocchio and Geppetto swam safely to shore. They were both tired. They laid on the sand and fell asleep. When Geppetto awoke, he saw that the blue fairy, as a reward for being so brave, had turned Pinocchio into a real boy. 
- At last my wish has come true!- cried Geppetto.


hola muy buenos días les doy la bienvenida a mi blogger.